Alliance: None CEO:
Kills: 1 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 32
ISK destroyed: 0.01B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 5%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website: http://
The difference between a criminal and an 0utlaw is that while criminals frequently are victims, 0utlaws never are. Indeed, the first step toward becoming a true 0utlaw is the refusal to be victimized. All people who live subject to other people's laws are victims. We 0utlaws, however, live beyond the law. We don't merely live beyond the letter of the law, we live beyond the spirit of the law. In a sense, then, we live beyond society.
We have a common goal, that goal is to turn the tables on the 'nature' of society..... When we succeed, we raise the exhilaration content of the universe.... We even raise it a little bit when we fail.
When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, 0utlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. 0utlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare.
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