• Eva Einistera lost a Scythe (Cruiser) in 6-EQYE - Scalding Pass (0.0)
      • mis
      • Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
      • Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
      • Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
      • 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
      • Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
      • Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
      • Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
      • Phased Scoped Target Painter
      • Capacitor Power Relay II
      • Capacitor Power Relay II
      • Capacitor Power Relay II
      • Capacitor Power Relay II
      • Power Diagnostic System II
      • Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
      • Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
      • Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
      • Calibration
      • 200 / 400
      • CPU
      • 383.5 / 356.25
      • Power grid
      • 414 / 457.12
      • API: Yes
      • Source: Fetch
      • Damage: 6,747
      • Cost: 22,604,200 isk
  • Capacitor 5m 7s
    • 1723 GJ / 1m 8s
    • -68.8 GJ/s +63.2 GJ/s
  • Offense 0 dps / 0 vol
    • 0
    • 0
    • 0
  • Defense 19,854 hp
    • 45
    • 5434

      14m 18s

    • 57
    • 59
    • 69
    • 74
    • 1375
    • 60
    • 35
    • 25
    • 10
    • 1625
    • 33
    • 33
    • 33
    • 33
  • Targeting 65.63 km
    • 14 points
    • 394 mm
    • 110 m 657 m
    • 8x
  • Navigation 313 m/s
    • 2149 m/s
    • No AB
    • Top Damage
    • Dennis pwner The Ankou Rokh Northern Coalition. 425mm Railgun II
    • Final Blow
    • Dennis pwner The Ankou Rokh Northern Coalition. 425mm Railgun II

Involved parties: 23
(15) Northern Coalition.
(2) The Ankou
(1) Rionnag Alba
(2) Macabre Votum
(2) Missions Mining and Mayhem
(2) Burning Napalm
(3) Destructive Influence
(2) Enterprise Estonia
(1) 0utLaw.
(4) Nulli Legio
(2) Segmentum Solar
(1) Raven's Flight
(1) DoubleDutchClan
(4) Nulli Secunda
(1) Black Templar Germany
(1) nul-li-fy
(1) Gemeinschaft interstellarer Soel...
(1) Astral Command
(7) Rokh
(2) Muninn
(1) Cynabal
(1) Wolf
(1) Stiletto
(4) Broadsword
(1) Vulture
(1) Hound
(1) Manticore
(1) Sabre
(1) Huginn
(1) Lachesis
(1) Scimitar
Dennis pwner
The Ankou
Northern Coalition.
Rokh (Battleship)
425mm Railgun II
Damage done: 1160 (17.19%)
The Ankou
Northern Coalition.
Rokh (Battleship)
Damage done: 994 (14.73%)
Rionnag Alba
Northern Coalition.
Rokh (Battleship)
Damage done: 964 (14.29%)
zakear dragon
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
Rokh (Battleship)
425mm Railgun II
Damage done: 806 (11.95%)
Kael Vava
Missions Mining and Mayhem
Northern Coalition.
Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Damage done: 799 (11.84%)
Hiro Tatsumi
Missions Mining and Mayhem
Northern Coalition.
Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Damage done: 646 (9.57%)
Captain Glumbo
Burning Napalm
Northern Coalition.
Rokh (Battleship)
Damage done: 394 (5.84%)
PK Boffin
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
Cynabal (Cruiser)
Damage done: 352 (5.22%)
Segmentum Solar
Nulli Legio
Rokh (Battleship)
Damage done: 299 (4.43%)
Finger Puppet
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
Rokh (Battleship)
Damage done: 137 (2.03%)
Tangled Crowsfeet
Raven's Flight
Nulli Legio
Wolf (Assault Frigate)
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
Damage done: 119 (1.76%)
Kim houter
Nulli Legio
Stiletto (Interceptor)
Damage done: 77 (1.14%)
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
Broadsword (Heavy Interdiction Cruiser)
425mm AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Poision Kevin
Burning Napalm
Northern Coalition.
Vulture (Command Ship)
150mm Light AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Black Templar Germany
Nulli Secunda
Hound (Covert Ops)
Target Painter II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Vanaisa Biigo
Enterprise Estonia
Northern Coalition.
Broadsword (Heavy Interdiction Cruiser)
Dual 180mm AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Segmentum Solar
Nulli Legio
Broadsword (Heavy Interdiction Cruiser)
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
al3x andra
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
Manticore (Covert Ops)
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Nulli Secunda
Sabre (Interdictor)
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
King Omega
Gemeinschaft interstellarer Soeldner
Nulli Secunda
Broadsword (Heavy Interdiction Cruiser)
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Northern Coalition.
Huginn (Recon Ship)
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Enterprise Estonia
Northern Coalition.
Lachesis (Recon Ship)
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)
Astral Command
Nulli Secunda
Scimitar (Logistics Cruiser)
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Damage done: 0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left

Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster 1 8.13 K
Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster 2 16.26 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender 1 90.72 K
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 2 5.19 M
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 5.09 K
Phased Scoped Target Painter Phased Scoped Target Painter 1 11.50 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Capacitor Power Relay II Capacitor Power Relay II 2 1.24 M
Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II 1 847.24 K
Capacitor Power Relay II Capacitor Power Relay II 2 1.24 M
Rig Slot Rig Slot Current Value
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I 1 790.86 K
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I 1 125.22 K
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I 1 1.30 M
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II 1 1.23 M
Heat Sink II Heat Sink II 1 979.89 K
Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II 1 1.23 M
Hornet EC-300 Hornet EC-300 5 26.54 K
Barrage M Barrage M 1000 173.00 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 20,476,060.00
API Verification

103 queries SQL time 0.0472s, Total time 0.1040s