Naglfar Justice Edition
The Naglfar is based on a Matari design believed to date back to the earliest annals of antiquity. While the exact evolution of memes informing its figure is unclear, the same distinctive vertical monolith form has shown up time and time again in the wind-scattered remnants of Matari legend.

Boasting an impressive versatility in firepower options, the Naglfar is capable of holding its own against opponents of all sizes and shapes. While its defenses don't go to extremes as herculean as those of its counterparts, the uniformity of resilience - coupled with the sheer amount of devastation it can dish out - make this beast an invaluable addition to any fleet.

Minmatar Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
5 % bonus to Capital Projectile Turret damage
5 % bonus to Capital Projectile Turret rate of fire
5 % bonus to Shield Booster cycle time

Role Bonus:
Can fit Siege modules
5 x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time

Cargo capacity 2900 m3
Mass 1,127,500,000 kg
Volume 15500000 m3
Baseprice 1,523,040,000 ISK
All losses

No data.


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