Angel Clone Soldier Trainer
With the advent of clone soldiers, a new breed of pirate has arisen to take advantage of their existence. CONCORD, which had been content to leave the pirates be so long as they remained within their own territories, sees the presence of pirate-affiliated clone soldiers as a major threat to the safety of the cluster, and will go to extraordinary means to disrupt their operations.

This Angel Cartel pirate is a trainer, in charge of funds, equipment and locales used in the preparation and deployment of clone soldiers loyal to the faction. For the Cartel this primarily means keeping the requisite technologies up to date, so that the clone soldiers gain experience with advanced weaponry and learn to operate - or dismantle and destroy - complex machineries while under fire.

Cargo capacity 120 m3
Mass 10,900,000 kg
Volume 109000 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
12 queries SQL time 0.0319s, Total time 0.1047s