Prototype Iris Probe Launcher
The Iris system is a prototype launcher designed to work exclusively with the Zephyr exploration platform.

Its tight integration allows it to work effectively with the minimal power and CPU capacity the Zephyr can provide, but the non-standard interfaces needed for this optimization make it entirely unusable on other ship types.
Cargo capacity 0.8 m3
Mass 5 kg
Volume 5 m3
Baseprice 6,000 ISK
Tech Level 1 Level
Used with (Charge Group) Scanner Probe
Meta Level 4 Level
maxGroupActive 1
Cannot Auto Repeat 1
Can be fitted to Prototype Exploration Ship
Max Modules Of This Group Allowed 1
requiredSkill1Level 1
Primary Skill required Astrometrics
Structure Hitpoints 40 HP
Powergrid Usage 0 MW
slots 1
CPU usage 0 tf
Rate of fire 2000 s
Charges Per Cycle 1
Activation time / duration 10000 s
Reload Time 10000 s
15 queries SQL time 0.0296s, Total time 0.0465s