Large Beam Laser Battery
Fires a deep modulated energy beam using extra large sized frequency crystals at those the Control Tower deems its enemies. Effective at very long ranges, but tracks slowly and has a low rate of fire. Note: Placing a new type of crystal into the crystal compartment will result in the destruction of the crystal being replaced.
Cargo capacity 1 m3
Mass 100,000,000 kg
Volume 5000 m3
Baseprice 12,500,000 ISK
fighterAbilityAntiCapitalMissileResistance 1 %
Maximum Targeting Range 500000 m
Scan Resolution 35 mm
Anchoring Delay 5000 s
Signature Radius 18000 m
structureUniformity 1
armorUniformity 0.75
shieldUniformity 0.75
Shield recharge time 10000000 s
entityAttackDelayMax 30000
entityAttackDelayMin 7500
Used with (Charge Group) Frequency Crystal
Signature Resolution 1000 m
typeColorScheme 11313
Player Controllable 1
Minimum Anchoring Distance From Starbase Shield 5000 m
disallowOffensiveModifiers 1
Crystals Take Damage 1
ammoCapacity 5
targetSwitchDelay 60000 s
Onlining Delay 120000 s
Unanchoring Delay 5000 s
entityReactionFactor 0.5
entityFlyRange 249000
Activation proximity 300000 m
uniformity 1
Charge size 4
Structure EM Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance 1 %
Structure Hitpoints 100000 HP
Powergrid Usage 450000 MW
CPU usage 0 tf
Rate of fire 13500 s
Optimal Range 375000 m
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance 1 %
incapacitationRatio 0.0010000000474974513
Damage Modifier 40 x
requiredSkill1Level 1
Armor Hitpoints 1500000 HP
Shield Capacity 100000 HP
gfxTurretID 20446
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 200 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 200 points
Accuracy falloff 100000 m
Ladar Sensor Strength 200 points
RADAR Sensor Strength 200 points
Maximum Locked Targets 1
Primary Skill required Anchoring
Turret Tracking 0.0016333300154656172
14 queries SQL time 0.0177s, Total time 0.0385s