Alliance: Astral Alliance CEO:
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 4
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 0% Website: http://AstralSanctuary.net
v5, 03 November 2019
Astral Sanctuary

Astral Sanctuary was a corp run by Astevon that offered a streamlined process of jumping corp during war, which CCP finally made redundant in December 2018. Sanctuary had 9 permanent divisions (from 1st Division to 9th Division) and sometimes additional temporary divisions (up to 28th Division). All remaining Sanctuary members are now recommended to just jump to Astral Academy (and never have to jump again).

When Sanctuary started out in 2013/2014, it had a fairly involved application process, requiring API keys and answers to a number of questions, some of them about RL (like country, gender, year of birth, etc - this was back before friendly fire could be turned off and trust was required). Yet, over 150 people applied, and I had made the mistake of setting things up so that I was the only one that could process applications (each app could take up to 30 min to process, putting in keys for all their chars into EVEMon, etc). This contributed quite a bit to my big burnout in March 2014. Some time later, CCP made it possible to turn off friendly fire, which meant I could make the application process much simpler, dropping API keys, etc. Another 50+ people applied, before I burned out again (if I recall, mostly due to managing the jumping process still being quite demanding, having to watch for wardec notifications around the clock, etc).

Now that that's all history, it's kind of mind boggling to me how simple it can be to just be a normal CEO...

Total wardecs received: 193 (50 of those in temporary divisions)
All losses

No data.

13 queries SQL time 0.0055s, Total time 0.2676s