Alliance: Brave Collective CEO:
Kills: 3 HQ:
Losses: 11 Members: 145
ISK destroyed: 303.90B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.20B Tax Rate: 10%
Efficiency: 99.93% Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant
Good news everyone! We're losing EVE again!

Space Ants are in your kitchen!

We are a bunch of ragtag capsuleers who want to build our very own anthill and then defend it with a ferocity of angry insects in internet spaceships. We are a part of Brave Collective and currently live in the nullsec region of Querious.

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If you share our opinion about nullsec (best sec!), neutrals and reds (shoot them), rocks, moon rocks and ice (munch them) and ships (spin them, talk about them on comms and most importantly, undock them), you are welcome to apply. We don't care if you are new, old or anything between - even a few days old guy can help!


Recruitment: sure, please visit https://joinus.bravecollective.com/space-ants to apply.
Corp diplos: Ivory Harcourt, Coral Theisman, Asilela Saken or anyone who is online, really.
Public channel: Space Ants Public
All kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
No Handlebars.
Heimatar, Auga (0.4)
300000 m

18 queries SQL time 0.0068s, Total time 0.2706s