Kills: 0 Executor: The North
Losses: 0 Members: 200
ISK destroyed: 0B Start Date: 2024-08-18 14:05:47
ISK lost: 0B Number of Corps: 11
Efficiency: 0%
Corporation Name Ticker Members Join Date Tax Rate Website
Dead Space Phylum PHYL 16 2024-08-25 10:44:00
The Norse Collective NORS3 137 2024-08-23 21:01:00
Brown Liquid Manufacturing LAXX 1 2024-08-23 06:25:00
Northern Frontier. NF.. 1 2024-08-19 14:28:00
Frontier Citizens FCIT. 3 2024-08-19 14:28:00
Northern Frontier Inc. NFGI. 1 2024-08-19 14:28:00
Northern Frontier Bank IRNBK 1 2024-08-19 14:28:00
The North NRTH. 3 2024-08-18 14:06:00
Frontier Alpha Fleet FAF.. 26 2024-08-19 15:28:00
Northern Frontier Group. NFGP. 1 2024-08-19 17:28:00
Generals Of Destruction Syndicate GODS 10 2024-08-28 15:46:00

9 queries SQL time 0.0081s, Total time 1.3391s