Angels Arisen Firework
The Angel Cartel is more than just a criminal gang, at least in its own eyes, and uses complex and mystical iconography at every level of its organization. The Angels are much given to celebrating their successes in fine style and the 'Angels Arisen' pyrotechnic charge is used to signal their greatest triumphs.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 100 kg
Volume 0.1 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Structure Hitpoints 10 HP
Maximum Velocity 1000 m/sec
Inertia Modifier 3000 x
detonationRange 35 m
armorPiercingChance 1
Used with (Launcher Group)
rate of fire bonus 1 %
requiredSkill1Level 1
requiredSkill2Level 1
Maximum Flight Time 100000 s
Tech Level 1 Level
structureUniformity 1
Base Shield Damage 0
Base Armor Damage 0
aimedLaunch 1
missileNeverDoesDamage 1
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