Radiant Hemorphite
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in 0.2 security status solar systems or lower.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 99,999,999,999,999,996,863,366,107,917,975,552 kg
Volume 3 m3
Baseprice 332,370 ISK
Primary Skill required Mining
Reprocessing Skill Hemorphite Processing
compressionTypeID 28404
compressionQuantityNeeded 100
Stasis Webifier Resistance 0 %
asteroidMetaLevel 3
oreBasicType Hemorphite
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